Saturday, December 5, 2009

Lovell Arba(y) Lambson, the biggest short guy I ever knew.

We laid our Grandpa to rest today. It was an awesome service that was full of humor and sweet sadness, longing and peace(and lots of music). I don't think it hit me until they started playing Taps as they lowered the casket. Our cousin Eli gave one of the neatest eulogies I have ever heard, as soon as I get a copy I will post it here. Grandpa was a great guy, Eli was right, he made us all feel loved. I never realized how much I thought he knew me personally. He had calm demeanor but could get rowdy if need be. He had a sense of humor that I would have liked to see more of. He had a walk more signature than any thing John Wayne ever had, and his hands... they were the physical manifestations of his hardworking, tried and tested and very gentle spirit. I only knew them like they were when he died; misshapen, calloused, and worn. I never even thought to ask if they hurt, he never said anything about them. And he did some amazing things with them; made tables out of ceder trees, built a garage out of old ammo boxes and probably wipped any "old boy" that ever crossed him! He loved his country, and had the Gettysburg Address, and thousands more speeches, poems and sonnets memorized than I can imagine. My parents and brothers were here the night before the funeral and we got to just talk and remember. Steven said something about sumer days on his lawn, when he would crack open a watermelon and have us grab a slice. I thought, "Summer smells like Grandpas yard on a watermelon day." He was a great man, and we all agreed that if we could live to be a tenth the person he was, we might just make it.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Roller Skating or Warrior Spirit Unleashed!

I have been roller skating/blading all of 3 times in my life, so you can imagine my "excitement" when the youth decided to go to the local rink on Wednesday night. It would have been no big deal not have attached those rolling macinations of death to my feet, I'm a leader, I could hang out supervising, watching the World Series thing that was apparently on at the time. No big deal, no expectations no pressure, right? HA! Are you kidding? Never was there more pressure! I have had more "firsts" trying to impress and/or encourage these guys then my fragile, IT-professional body can handle. So I strapped up and lighted upon the reinforced vinyl-covered-concrete-steel-reinforced surface that seemed to scream for my face to impact it. It was not as bad as I remembered, I am first and foremost an observer, so I observed. The shifting of weight as the back leg angled out to propel one forward, the fluid transition from toe to heel, and the graceful and effortless turn as we melded in with the flow of the group. It wasn't very long before I left the 5 year olds and was pretty much catching up with the teenagers. So I skated, fell a couple of times, but mostly skated. It was fun. I got up to pretty good speed, it felt good. Then it was time to go, time to return to the 7' gap that was the exit off the rink. It was an experiance I can only describe as re-entry. There are no breaks, there is a break, when applied, instantly stops the forward progression of ONE leg. Now I'm no physics major but even I could see what was coming. The doctors say I'll only have to wear the brace for 6 weeks. OK, that last part was a little embellished, but it does hurt.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Patching With Wake-on-lan

Cemetery IT director, Auburn Cemetery

Energy Starr site has many tips

Kbox can do this

Carmella Anderson
Myths about PM, does it waste energy and damage PC's? No.

Power Management
Auditing with Reporting Module
EPA recommends 30-60 min

Configure all points: Bios, Switches and NIC, port 9 is common
PSShutdown.exe is 3rd party tool for shutting down.

we need to Label Desktops and Laptops

Kace user Konference -2

Help Desk Best Practices

Parent/Child Tickets, closure rules need to be discussed
Auto Rules: Waiting on Response
we need to look at changing the phone message: "please visit"

Approval: cannot close unless they select approved status, i.e. equipment request, or HR report

upcoming feature: process ticket, ie, new hire ticket creates multiple tickets

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Kace user Konference

Application Virtualization.

How things are today? is it a .msi, a .exe, windows7. 
Repackaging is an issue, usually manual process

Application Virtualization.
seperate dll's from system while allowing read access to read sysem
containers foe each app, or multiple apps per container, we have the bandwidth to support this.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

idea for a show

Trauma: Afterlife

Premise: Death is mostly a traumatic experience, causing mental strain on those it happens to. Afterlife "EMTs" would be on hand as erratic and confused ghosts cross over. The mind is so powerful as to keep perceived wounds "bleeding" or dismembered body parts "detached."

Setting: Afterlife looks a lot like earth, in fact it exists parallel to earth, allowing for "visitations." Afterlife is really a holding place before you "crossover" depending on certain conditions? Being there is like watching TV, you can see the beach in crystal clear definition, but not really feel it. There is no real physical contact with other afterlifers, But all have the same addictions, feelings and needs they did when they had bodies. No one knows the duration one must stay in the afterlife.

Protagonist: Main character would be "new arrival" who gets thrust into EMT job, but knows it wasn't his time. was always adept at helping others, but not very good at helping himself or his relationships.

Antagonist? long time resident of the afterlife(amongst other many famous people) jaded afterlifer, hates being there, hasn't "crossed over"
Visitors: afterlifers who enjoy haunting

Comic relief: Convincing those that died in their sleep that they haven't been kidnapped or abducted by aliens

When checking in with the records keeper ask "So can I meet Elvis Prestly?" and he says "Who?"

Friday, October 30, 2009

end of the week thoughts

stuff is never where women says it is
nostalgia is nauseating, remembering is valuable

"social" networks have made us so unsocial

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Learning Communities

Expertise, usage
Learning Skills: Filtering, Contextualizing
Soft Skills, interaction, need more social skills
What sense does this make? Learning ecosystems
Characteristics: dynamic, organic, the learners bring their context into your box
Example, Twitter, multiple touch-points for access.

Bioteams, Organizational Biomimicry
We are becoming a Hive, we communicate like bees, pheromone like information
My Mind works like a search engine.
collective leadership, penguins migrate

What happens when anyone can take the lead?(Kanye West)
Teamwork in nature
wikipedia, flash mobs

Monday, October 19, 2009

awesome, thanks FailBlog

Sunday, October 18, 2009

This week Cole said: "Is the world just starting? I'm only 5."
I was telling a joke, "Where do vampires keep their money?" Reid piped in. "In his pockets!"
Aria fell down and scratched her face up. Poor thing, but she is ever the happy kiddo.
Tianna, hmm, maybe I need to spend more time with her.

Im thinking about starting my masters, Im scared of the time and monitary commitment. Its someting that will be good in the ling run, but it costs about $30,000. Jokae freaked me out cause she freaked out about it. She hates debt, kind of psyco abut it, our debt is this house, our rental and our modest car. Elder Uctforf tols us in the last session of conference that education was a commandement.
Facebook sucks. Its too inundated with Join my cause/play this game requests.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Windows 7 on a tablet

 OK, this is Cool, I just installed Windows 7 on my tablet, and so far so good.  I immediately installed Chrome and have been playing with the native Tablet Support built into W7. Im currently using the handwriting tool, and think its alot better than the vista tool.  It seems smarter, and faster. It still requires(it got that right), some pretty careful Strokes, but built in Spell  Check and some cool editing features, like being able to edit any letter within the handwriting area, with the more careful individual selected is pretty cool. I used the snipping tool to get the above screen clip. So so far so good, I messed with the pre-release a little, but this is on my production machine, and time will tell how well it plays with Novell.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Nokia N810 thoughts

so here is the thing, this is the first thing I am typing texting style. Our district is using these Nokia's in the classroom, (just found the auto-complete)

man hnow does anybody text. I know it is considered a young person thing, and if all you text is "hi brb c u l8tr" then I guess its ok.

The device itself is cool, wish it was a phone too.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

179th Semiannual General Conference Sunday Afternoon Session

Elder Jeffery R. Holland
The choir is the sermon
The Heart is the "center" of our faith, a worse calamity then signs of the last days is the failing of mens hearts.
"Mists of darkness" exist today the Iron Rod is still here
No wicked man could write this book, and no righteous mad would without divine influence.
The most powerful testimonies of the Book of Mormon that I have ever heard.

Quinten L. Cook
Stewardship for Ourselves: protect the springs or our spirit

Stewardship for Others: Christ is the reason

Elder Rundland
Heart transplants need care and monitoring so the body does not reject it. But paitents can become casual and that can often be fatal.
The same goes for our spiritually changed hearts, it needs constant care and nurturing.

Elder D.Todd Christofferson

179th Semiannual General Conference Sunday Morning Session

I had always wondered what the line, "Here I raise my Ebenezer.." from the song "Come Thou Fount of every blessing" meant, this morning for Music and the spoken word the narrator explained what Ebenezer is, it is a "help" or a monument to help or support. Then they sang "Come thou fount of every blessing."

President Henry B. Eyring
We can and must expect to become better throughout our lives. Moroni 7:48
Love is the motivating principal he uses to help us want to be like him.
The Family is the ideal setting for this.
The needs of the children should be as important as the parents.
Please No Empty Chairs
1)pray for the love that makes you see people in good light, and ignore imperfections
2)parents of a wandering child, paitence
3)children, adopted, remember important dates

Elder L. Tom Perry
Organized in taking care of every datail
built the Manti temple with their own hands
"I don't want to go to the past, I want to go to the past way of facing the future."
upside down ship can be a roof for a temple, turn things upside down to find a solution.

H. David Burton, presiding Bishop
Virtues: outward manifestation of the inner man
-ity attributes, like quality, responsibility

Ann M. Dibb
Bridge accident, although we may not face the same challenge, we will face trials

Elder Russel M. Nelson
besides modern technology we can access heaven without hardware, soft ware or monthly service fees.
to access information from heaven you need faith and desire
study the matter diligently
the vale can be removed, ponder and your eyes will be opened.

President Thomas S. Monson
"At what did you do for someone today?"
motivated to provide for others
Paul; By love, serve one another Gal. 5: 13
greatest happiness is when we lose ourselves in service to others.
Author Unknown
I have wept in the night
For the shortness of sight
That to somebody's need made me blind;
But I never have yet felt a tinge of regret
For being a little too kind.

Warm Fuzzies

Saturday, October 3, 2009

179th Semiannual General Conference Saturday Afternoon Session

Sustaining of the leaders by President Eyring

Elder Dalin H. Oakes

Parental love and laws need to be righteous.
Gods love is eternal like his laws. His love does not excuse us from our actions. Mercy cannot rob justice. Only through obideance can we become perfect.

Justice and mercy balanced by the Atonement.
The kingdom of glory is determined by law.
there is no good compromise to any law
real love does not support self destructive behavior

Elder Robert D. Hales

We believe in God the eternal Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost.
We look like God, we are created in his image.
One of Joseph Smiths jobs was to help prepare the world for the Second Coming.
Jorge F. Zeballos

Tad R. Callister

Elder Neil L. Anderson

Elder Boyd K. Packer (from his chair)
We all have the light of Christ

179th Semiannual General Conference Saturday Morning Session

We are watching general conference on line this time. This is nothing new, we've done it before. But this time we have the laptop connected to the tv, and we selected the ASL video stream. The church has always been on the forefront of technology. I think any commercial broadcast network could look to the Church and the way they deliver live streaming content to millions of people.

Elder Richard G. Scott
Use the spirit to make decisions, stay away from things that offend the spirit.

Elder David A. Bednar
More dilligent and concerned at home
1)Express love and show it, when was the last time I said it to anyone in my family? Need to show it. We should not assume they know it. Demonstrated in the scriptures.

2)Bear testimony and live it. Not lengthy or eloquent. We need to LIVE it. Create opportunities.

3)Be consistent. Read the scriptures through the noise! They will remember that it was done everyday. Individual brush strokes to make a beautiful painting.

Be not weary. Be not hypocrites.

President Dieter F. Uchtdorf
How do we become true disciples of Jesus Christ?
Sometimes we focus on non-doctrine as "good ideas"
Love it the great commandment, it needs to be the center of all we do in family and community.
Love clarifies all relationships. We have vast capacity to love. It is the defining characteristic of a disciple.
He has promised all that he has. John said it best: 1st John 4:19
How can we hear the Fathers voice? As you pray, listen for His voice. As you read the scriptures, listen for His voice. As you listen to conference, listen for His voice.