Saturday, December 5, 2009

Lovell Arba(y) Lambson, the biggest short guy I ever knew.

We laid our Grandpa to rest today. It was an awesome service that was full of humor and sweet sadness, longing and peace(and lots of music). I don't think it hit me until they started playing Taps as they lowered the casket. Our cousin Eli gave one of the neatest eulogies I have ever heard, as soon as I get a copy I will post it here. Grandpa was a great guy, Eli was right, he made us all feel loved. I never realized how much I thought he knew me personally. He had calm demeanor but could get rowdy if need be. He had a sense of humor that I would have liked to see more of. He had a walk more signature than any thing John Wayne ever had, and his hands... they were the physical manifestations of his hardworking, tried and tested and very gentle spirit. I only knew them like they were when he died; misshapen, calloused, and worn. I never even thought to ask if they hurt, he never said anything about them. And he did some amazing things with them; made tables out of ceder trees, built a garage out of old ammo boxes and probably wipped any "old boy" that ever crossed him! He loved his country, and had the Gettysburg Address, and thousands more speeches, poems and sonnets memorized than I can imagine. My parents and brothers were here the night before the funeral and we got to just talk and remember. Steven said something about sumer days on his lawn, when he would crack open a watermelon and have us grab a slice. I thought, "Summer smells like Grandpas yard on a watermelon day." He was a great man, and we all agreed that if we could live to be a tenth the person he was, we might just make it.

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