Sunday, October 18, 2009

This week Cole said: "Is the world just starting? I'm only 5."
I was telling a joke, "Where do vampires keep their money?" Reid piped in. "In his pockets!"
Aria fell down and scratched her face up. Poor thing, but she is ever the happy kiddo.
Tianna, hmm, maybe I need to spend more time with her.

Im thinking about starting my masters, Im scared of the time and monitary commitment. Its someting that will be good in the ling run, but it costs about $30,000. Jokae freaked me out cause she freaked out about it. She hates debt, kind of psyco abut it, our debt is this house, our rental and our modest car. Elder Uctforf tols us in the last session of conference that education was a commandement.
Facebook sucks. Its too inundated with Join my cause/play this game requests.

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