Saturday, October 3, 2009

179th Semiannual General Conference Saturday Morning Session

We are watching general conference on line this time. This is nothing new, we've done it before. But this time we have the laptop connected to the tv, and we selected the ASL video stream. The church has always been on the forefront of technology. I think any commercial broadcast network could look to the Church and the way they deliver live streaming content to millions of people.

Elder Richard G. Scott
Use the spirit to make decisions, stay away from things that offend the spirit.

Elder David A. Bednar
More dilligent and concerned at home
1)Express love and show it, when was the last time I said it to anyone in my family? Need to show it. We should not assume they know it. Demonstrated in the scriptures.

2)Bear testimony and live it. Not lengthy or eloquent. We need to LIVE it. Create opportunities.

3)Be consistent. Read the scriptures through the noise! They will remember that it was done everyday. Individual brush strokes to make a beautiful painting.

Be not weary. Be not hypocrites.

President Dieter F. Uchtdorf
How do we become true disciples of Jesus Christ?
Sometimes we focus on non-doctrine as "good ideas"
Love it the great commandment, it needs to be the center of all we do in family and community.
Love clarifies all relationships. We have vast capacity to love. It is the defining characteristic of a disciple.
He has promised all that he has. John said it best: 1st John 4:19
How can we hear the Fathers voice? As you pray, listen for His voice. As you read the scriptures, listen for His voice. As you listen to conference, listen for His voice.

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