Sunday, October 4, 2009

179th Semiannual General Conference Sunday Afternoon Session

Elder Jeffery R. Holland
The choir is the sermon
The Heart is the "center" of our faith, a worse calamity then signs of the last days is the failing of mens hearts.
"Mists of darkness" exist today the Iron Rod is still here
No wicked man could write this book, and no righteous mad would without divine influence.
The most powerful testimonies of the Book of Mormon that I have ever heard.

Quinten L. Cook
Stewardship for Ourselves: protect the springs or our spirit

Stewardship for Others: Christ is the reason

Elder Rundland
Heart transplants need care and monitoring so the body does not reject it. But paitents can become casual and that can often be fatal.
The same goes for our spiritually changed hearts, it needs constant care and nurturing.

Elder D.Todd Christofferson

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