Sunday, April 4, 2010

Sunday Morning Session

President Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Statue of Jesus had been damaged, left without hands, a sign was placed at the bottom: "You are My hands"
Do we not yearn for forgiveness and understanding? We must extend the same compassion to others.
We cannot gauge the wealth of another soul any more than we can grasp time.
Everyone is walking their own difficult path.
Proverbs 17:17 - A afriend loveth at all times, and a bbrother is born for adversity.
Love for fellow man is the commandment upon which all hang.
Love is what inspired out Father in Heaven to create our spirits.

Richard G. Scott
Jesus Christ lives! He gave his live to break the bonds of death.
The Atonement permits us to return to him.
We will never be released from the responsibility to teach our children about Him.

David L. Halsrtom
Revenge has affected generations of family
Grief can turn you to the Lord, and heal generations of family
Whatever the offense, whatever the trial

Cheryl C. Lant
Who is this? Seek the face of the Savior always.
Come unto him through Faith and Actions.
1. learn to love Lord and family
2. become worthy examples
3. teaching truth from scripture and prophets

Elder Quentin L. Cook
Following the Savior, Thursday, the Passover Supper did several things:
1) Instituted the Sacrament
2) He taught principals, Love one another
3) The Holy Ghost was promised
The Sacrament reminds us of our covenants, remember Him, and his sacrifice and Atonement
how we disagree is a measure of our character
Spirituality go to higher ground

"I wonder when he comes again"

President Thomas S. Monson
"Thank You"
Painting by Frank Bramley "The Fisherman's Widow"
The young wife has just learned that her husband was lost as sea
death comes to all, it is the mortal legacy we all carry
We all will experience death
To understand the meaning of death we must understand the Purpose of Life
We came here to be tempted, and he provided a Savior so we could have every chance to get back, and we all be resurrected because of Christ.
The Saviors last days demonstrated this victory, the empty Tomb is testament to that gift. He Lives!
A father of 7 wrote a letter: one 15 year old child had an illness but was always cheerful and kind. He told his child that he hoped this challenge would not shake his faith. His son said "Never!" Before he died two week later his older brother got his mission call, they took a photo together in the hospital, the caption read: Called to Server together, on both sides of the veil. Their faith of an eternal family comforts even the early passing of their young son.

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