Saturday, April 3, 2010

Saturday Morning Session

(hint, watch the ASL streaming feed: less traffic)
Elder Boyd K. Packer (looking sick)
The Priesthood will lose power if the sisters are neglected,
The Priesthood will not have the power needed unless it is present in families.
A fathers blessing is the most important.
Be worthy to hold the priesthood: "I the Lord am bound..."
It is increased by exercising it. There may come a time when it will be all that stands between your family and that which would destroy it. Fear is the opposite of Faith.

Julie B. Beck
According to the media: No one is clever enough, beautiful enough, or good enough to enjoy life.
Never been a greater need for stronger families and homes.
The scriptures are aid to Revelation, Revelation can come hour by hour
Being in the right places allows Revelation to come

Keith B. McMullin
Disasters can bring to mind the reasons we live the Gospel.
God Forgives...
"Help me..." The former guard and the former prisoner
Eccl 12:13 - Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: aFear God, and bkeep his commandments: for this is the whole cduty of man.
Doing ones duty does not require perfection, keep your covenants daily
As you do your duty to God, it will be easier to do your duty to your fellow man.

Wilford W. Anderson
Hope does not depend on circumstance
Without Faith there cannot be Hope
Faith requires work, keeping the commandments, miracles do not generate Faith
From a dying father: "Does anybody in this room have a problem with the plan of salvation?"(see Additional Information)

Elder M. Russell Ballard
to the Mothers and Daughters
To Daughters: the "standards" of celebrities are nothing compared to the strength of your mother.
To Mothers: Your example is the most important, you are the first line of defense
have frequent open discussions with them
Parents and children need to listen to and learn from each other.
Our family relations are not intended for this life only.

Elder Henry B. Eyring
The only way out: Repent, have Faith in Christ
There are rescuers along the way
The family has an advantage in the early years of a child's life
help will come when you need it
Make plans that are not only wishes, but covenants

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