Saturday, April 3, 2010

Priesthood Session

Dallin H. Oakes
Do not fear to participate in a healing blessing only because you don’t know what to say.
The will of the Lord prevails in all healing blessings.
“I know it was the will of the Lord,”

Ronald A. Rasband
Missionary Service is the life blood of the church.
Mission callings come by Revelation and only that way.
Those that desire to go must be worthy to do so.
Elder Eyring (Apostle) would ask to know “perfectly” where each missionary would be called to.
“Pay closer attention and you can know.”
A mission call to a young person is the most important work you can do at this time in your life.'

David L. Beck
Inspired by the enthusiasm of the young men of the church, it is contagious.
You have the scared gift of the Aaronic Priesthood.
Your righteous example will inspire others to come unto Christ.

President Deiter F. Uchtdorf
Behavioral Scientist preformed the Marshmallow test: Eat it now, or wait 15 minutes to get 2. Only 30% of 4 year olds could wait. He tracked the children over time. Those who could wait had more productive futures.
We don’t like to wait, or be patient. The ability to put our desires on hold for a time is difficult. As parents we know it would be unwise to give into our children’s every desire.
Steady and consistent work, patient persistence.
Patients is far more that waiting for something to happen, but actively working towards goals and results, not being discouraged when we do not get instant results.
Being impatient is a symptom of Center of the Universe Syndrome.
We wait for things that seem so obviously good, we wonder why the Lord would delay them.  They come according to his timing and his ways.
Often the most difficult times of our lives are essential building blocks that build our eternal character.
Resisting evil even when it appears to be making others rich.

President Henry B. Eyring
Diligence in duty:
An individual who holds a share in the priesthood and follows Him has rights to know the mind of the Lord.
Holding the Priesthood is an invitation to become as He is.
There is a pattern: D&C 107.
Let him do his duty with all diligence, those that do not will not be worthy to stand at the last day.
Pray to know what to do
Promise to do it
Do it
Pray to thank Him for the opportunity
Then ask what to do next

President Thomas S. Monson
You have attended the finest Priesthood sessions ever held.
We have been entrusted to bear the priesthood.
How you speak and the words you use say a lot about the image you wish to portray.
You cannot afford to fill your mind with unworthy music.
Every action is preceded by a thought.
He answers Prayers. Always.

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