Saturday, April 3, 2010

Saturday Afternoon Session

Elder L. Tom Perry

My Mother taught me...
her best teaching was spent to her children in her home, preparing diligently helped her teach us more
parents are entrusted with the education of their children
a mind needs to be exercised to remain strong
the best thing we can to do improve teaching at church is to improve teaching in the home
there is no such thing as over preparing to teach the Gospel

Elder D. Todd Christofferson

William Tindale, maryterd for publishing the Bible in English
Many have given all to ensure that scripture persists to this day
This has helped truth persists even an man has changed

Kiochi Ayogai
Baptized at a youth, fell away during college, but a post card from a member from home asked him why, he asked the Lord to remind him what he felt. He served a mission and married in the temple. No surprise that he married the member who sent him the post card.

Bruce A. Carlson
Fisherman in Plane: we believe there must be an easier way, some kind of shortcut.
1)we do not believe it applies to us: Jeroboam, introduced improper practices
2)not important: Naman, to be cleaned of leprosy only had to wash in Jordan river, but it seemed too simple
3)too difficult: Lehi's oldest sons said "It is a hard thing."
Peace comes by not falling into this simple trap.

Elder David A. Bednar(will have to read this talk later and annotate it)
The Language of the Lord
1. Testify of the Book of Mormon
2. Bearing testimony spontaneously
3. Invite to Act, not be acted upon

declare as simply as "I know..." this encourages positive
tuition must be paid

Jeffery R. Holland
Why is there so much moral decay?
Blast a crater in their brains,
love must include the idea of permanence.
Lust operates "quietly in the night,"
Love is shouted from the rooftops
The only real control in life is Self Control
A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step, so watch where you step.
What was I thinking, what ever it was it was not Christ.
Alma: Oh Lord Have mercy on me
I will give place no more for the enemy of my soul

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