Friday, April 23, 2010

Open Source Software in NM Supercomputing Challenge

Los Alamos National Laboratories
Project Based Learning
High Performance Computing (all built with open source)
PHP, MySQL, html
Survey Monkey
Media Wiki
Java, C, C++, python, Fortran
Edubuntu, Unix operating system for education, calendering

Thursday, April 22, 2010

NMSTE Session Mobile Learning Strategies

Current generation is highly "deviced"
Virtual Classroom is The newest classroom
1. Mobile Learning
2. Open Content
3. Online Learning
4. Electronic Textbooks
5. Simple Augmentation

Thursday, April 15, 2010

For those who imagine...

From the blog
"It is my unpleasant duty to report the passing of our friend and fellow builder Nate “nnenn” Nielson. Nate’s death was the result of an automobile accident earlier this month. A resident of Tekoa, Washington, Nate was a father, an artist, and a professor specializing in graphic design. Nate is survived by his beloved wife and two sons ages 3 and 8."

Lego may seem like a silly thing to get choked up about, but there is something deep in the human soul that wants to create, express the inner workings of the mind, and describe its experience of the world. There are very few who can express such complex ideas with deceptively simple lines and form. This guy could. My heart goes out to his family. Props to the blog for showing some of his most captivating work again, be sure to check it out.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Sunday Afternoon Session

Elder Russell M. Nelson
Memories at Easter, memories of family, reminds us of the love our father has for us.
Family History and Temple work connect generations together

Elder Robert D. Hales
Lead the youth by example, do our children know what we know
plan and take advantage of teaching moments
its not the food, but the interaction that nourishes

Bradley D. Foster
Because Mother told me
Motherhood is divine
A distraction does not have to be evil to be effective
We may never know when
Elizabeth Acers Poem, “Rock me to sleep mother, Rock me to sleep”
I will be eternally grateful that mother told me.

James B. Martino
“What a pitcher!”
We will all face opposition
not when but how
1) Seek to do His will, not your own, Trust that he knows the end
2) Do not complain of murmur, What can I learn from this?
3) Seek greater help from God, it may not remove the trial but make us able to bear it
4) Server and think of others, Unless we lose ourselves to others we will shrivel up
5) Forgive others, do not pass blame

Gregory A. Schwitzer
Do not judge others, but use correct judgments
1) put your own judgments in line with Christ’s
2) listen to the voice of the prophets
3) Cultivate a relationship of listening to the Spirit, needs a quiet environment
4) Keep the commandments

Francisco J. Vinas
Mourn with those that mourn

Elder Neil A. Anderson
We have heard and felt the will of the Lord
fan the flame of premortal faith
Tell the stories of Jesus
 do our children know them, because we tell them
Do we testify of them? (textify? lol)
Do they ask; “Tell me the stories of Jesus?”
Time and Truth are on your side

President Thomas S. Monson
“We are here because we love the Lord, He is mindful of us all, of that I testify.”
The music has been wonderful. My soul delighted in the song of the heart. D&C
There is no fog so dense that His light cannot penetrate

Sunday Morning Session

President Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Statue of Jesus had been damaged, left without hands, a sign was placed at the bottom: "You are My hands"
Do we not yearn for forgiveness and understanding? We must extend the same compassion to others.
We cannot gauge the wealth of another soul any more than we can grasp time.
Everyone is walking their own difficult path.
Proverbs 17:17 - A afriend loveth at all times, and a bbrother is born for adversity.
Love for fellow man is the commandment upon which all hang.
Love is what inspired out Father in Heaven to create our spirits.

Richard G. Scott
Jesus Christ lives! He gave his live to break the bonds of death.
The Atonement permits us to return to him.
We will never be released from the responsibility to teach our children about Him.

David L. Halsrtom
Revenge has affected generations of family
Grief can turn you to the Lord, and heal generations of family
Whatever the offense, whatever the trial

Cheryl C. Lant
Who is this? Seek the face of the Savior always.
Come unto him through Faith and Actions.
1. learn to love Lord and family
2. become worthy examples
3. teaching truth from scripture and prophets

Elder Quentin L. Cook
Following the Savior, Thursday, the Passover Supper did several things:
1) Instituted the Sacrament
2) He taught principals, Love one another
3) The Holy Ghost was promised
The Sacrament reminds us of our covenants, remember Him, and his sacrifice and Atonement
how we disagree is a measure of our character
Spirituality go to higher ground

"I wonder when he comes again"

President Thomas S. Monson
"Thank You"
Painting by Frank Bramley "The Fisherman's Widow"
The young wife has just learned that her husband was lost as sea
death comes to all, it is the mortal legacy we all carry
We all will experience death
To understand the meaning of death we must understand the Purpose of Life
We came here to be tempted, and he provided a Savior so we could have every chance to get back, and we all be resurrected because of Christ.
The Saviors last days demonstrated this victory, the empty Tomb is testament to that gift. He Lives!
A father of 7 wrote a letter: one 15 year old child had an illness but was always cheerful and kind. He told his child that he hoped this challenge would not shake his faith. His son said "Never!" Before he died two week later his older brother got his mission call, they took a photo together in the hospital, the caption read: Called to Server together, on both sides of the veil. Their faith of an eternal family comforts even the early passing of their young son.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Priesthood Session

Dallin H. Oakes
Do not fear to participate in a healing blessing only because you don’t know what to say.
The will of the Lord prevails in all healing blessings.
“I know it was the will of the Lord,”

Ronald A. Rasband
Missionary Service is the life blood of the church.
Mission callings come by Revelation and only that way.
Those that desire to go must be worthy to do so.
Elder Eyring (Apostle) would ask to know “perfectly” where each missionary would be called to.
“Pay closer attention and you can know.”
A mission call to a young person is the most important work you can do at this time in your life.'

David L. Beck
Inspired by the enthusiasm of the young men of the church, it is contagious.
You have the scared gift of the Aaronic Priesthood.
Your righteous example will inspire others to come unto Christ.

President Deiter F. Uchtdorf
Behavioral Scientist preformed the Marshmallow test: Eat it now, or wait 15 minutes to get 2. Only 30% of 4 year olds could wait. He tracked the children over time. Those who could wait had more productive futures.
We don’t like to wait, or be patient. The ability to put our desires on hold for a time is difficult. As parents we know it would be unwise to give into our children’s every desire.
Steady and consistent work, patient persistence.
Patients is far more that waiting for something to happen, but actively working towards goals and results, not being discouraged when we do not get instant results.
Being impatient is a symptom of Center of the Universe Syndrome.
We wait for things that seem so obviously good, we wonder why the Lord would delay them.  They come according to his timing and his ways.
Often the most difficult times of our lives are essential building blocks that build our eternal character.
Resisting evil even when it appears to be making others rich.

President Henry B. Eyring
Diligence in duty:
An individual who holds a share in the priesthood and follows Him has rights to know the mind of the Lord.
Holding the Priesthood is an invitation to become as He is.
There is a pattern: D&C 107.
Let him do his duty with all diligence, those that do not will not be worthy to stand at the last day.
Pray to know what to do
Promise to do it
Do it
Pray to thank Him for the opportunity
Then ask what to do next

President Thomas S. Monson
You have attended the finest Priesthood sessions ever held.
We have been entrusted to bear the priesthood.
How you speak and the words you use say a lot about the image you wish to portray.
You cannot afford to fill your mind with unworthy music.
Every action is preceded by a thought.
He answers Prayers. Always.

Saturday Afternoon Session

Elder L. Tom Perry

My Mother taught me...
her best teaching was spent to her children in her home, preparing diligently helped her teach us more
parents are entrusted with the education of their children
a mind needs to be exercised to remain strong
the best thing we can to do improve teaching at church is to improve teaching in the home
there is no such thing as over preparing to teach the Gospel

Elder D. Todd Christofferson

William Tindale, maryterd for publishing the Bible in English
Many have given all to ensure that scripture persists to this day
This has helped truth persists even an man has changed

Kiochi Ayogai
Baptized at a youth, fell away during college, but a post card from a member from home asked him why, he asked the Lord to remind him what he felt. He served a mission and married in the temple. No surprise that he married the member who sent him the post card.

Bruce A. Carlson
Fisherman in Plane: we believe there must be an easier way, some kind of shortcut.
1)we do not believe it applies to us: Jeroboam, introduced improper practices
2)not important: Naman, to be cleaned of leprosy only had to wash in Jordan river, but it seemed too simple
3)too difficult: Lehi's oldest sons said "It is a hard thing."
Peace comes by not falling into this simple trap.

Elder David A. Bednar(will have to read this talk later and annotate it)
The Language of the Lord
1. Testify of the Book of Mormon
2. Bearing testimony spontaneously
3. Invite to Act, not be acted upon

declare as simply as "I know..." this encourages positive
tuition must be paid

Jeffery R. Holland
Why is there so much moral decay?
Blast a crater in their brains,
love must include the idea of permanence.
Lust operates "quietly in the night,"
Love is shouted from the rooftops
The only real control in life is Self Control
A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step, so watch where you step.
What was I thinking, what ever it was it was not Christ.
Alma: Oh Lord Have mercy on me
I will give place no more for the enemy of my soul

Saturday Morning Session

(hint, watch the ASL streaming feed: less traffic)
Elder Boyd K. Packer (looking sick)
The Priesthood will lose power if the sisters are neglected,
The Priesthood will not have the power needed unless it is present in families.
A fathers blessing is the most important.
Be worthy to hold the priesthood: "I the Lord am bound..."
It is increased by exercising it. There may come a time when it will be all that stands between your family and that which would destroy it. Fear is the opposite of Faith.

Julie B. Beck
According to the media: No one is clever enough, beautiful enough, or good enough to enjoy life.
Never been a greater need for stronger families and homes.
The scriptures are aid to Revelation, Revelation can come hour by hour
Being in the right places allows Revelation to come

Keith B. McMullin
Disasters can bring to mind the reasons we live the Gospel.
God Forgives...
"Help me..." The former guard and the former prisoner
Eccl 12:13 - Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: aFear God, and bkeep his commandments: for this is the whole cduty of man.
Doing ones duty does not require perfection, keep your covenants daily
As you do your duty to God, it will be easier to do your duty to your fellow man.

Wilford W. Anderson
Hope does not depend on circumstance
Without Faith there cannot be Hope
Faith requires work, keeping the commandments, miracles do not generate Faith
From a dying father: "Does anybody in this room have a problem with the plan of salvation?"(see Additional Information)

Elder M. Russell Ballard
to the Mothers and Daughters
To Daughters: the "standards" of celebrities are nothing compared to the strength of your mother.
To Mothers: Your example is the most important, you are the first line of defense
have frequent open discussions with them
Parents and children need to listen to and learn from each other.
Our family relations are not intended for this life only.

Elder Henry B. Eyring
The only way out: Repent, have Faith in Christ
There are rescuers along the way
The family has an advantage in the early years of a child's life
help will come when you need it
Make plans that are not only wishes, but covenants