Sunday, June 20, 2010

Dakota 20 Update

 Got a GPS for Fathers Day! A Garmin Dakota 20. Looking for one(cache) as I'm typing. Pics and thoughts to follow. We actually found 3 out of 5. Click on my profile to check it out.

So this is the coolest. Truly. I have been geocaching on and off for the last three years. Always with someone else's GPS. The unit is sturdy, and seems almost water proof. The touch screen is fast and responsive. But there are more in-depth reviews out there. What I want to talk about loading maps. Garmin sells great topographical maps, for a pretty penny. And one thing I find most GPS's lacking, software for your pc to manage way-points and maps. Also available for purchase.
Unless you use this site, follow these directions(do each step, I skipped #1 first time) and download any map file you require. After that follow these steps, and you go from the basic map to killer topo maps!

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