Monday, June 28, 2010

Camp isn't so far away anymore... sort of

10:24 pm Sunday June 27, 2010

So there is a Wi-Fi station here(even had to sign an Acceptable Use Policy), kinda slow but enought to check e-mail and stuff. Problem is, its really inconvenient to lug the lappy around, and we are the furthest campsite from base camp. Also, I’m the ONLY schmuck w/o cell service, all the boys have service. So all the pictures I take will sit on my phone until I either get home (no adaptor) or send them from someone else’s phone. Also, no power at camp sites, so I may see if I can plug it in/leave it as base camp, then write at night, and post in the mornings? Dunno.
The boys are already having a good time, the drive up was uneventful, although had to add a couple of quarts of oil to the Jeep. It got cloudy and helped cool the whole day down, I hope it keeps up, it has a very real potential to be dusty hot, so here’s hoping. The older boys get embarrassed by the up-beat and dorky antics of the staff, bit you can tell that it is a tight and fun staff. As is should be, they are here for these scouts, to give them the best experience possible. If it weren’t fun none of it would be possible. I will go hunting for some geocaches tomorrow, and they have placed some non-official ones around camp, we found one coming back from Campfire, I drove a cactus needle through the sole of my shoe into my heal, good times!

8:58 pm Monday

Today was very productive. Because of the fire ban we cannot have camp fires at our individual campsites, and that also means we eat at the mess hall. Its is standard cafeteria food, eggs and sausage this morning, corndogs for lunch and ham and potatoes for dinner. The boys complain a little, but they actually never go for seconds, well probably cause they are pretty loaded up with snacks.  The weather has cooperated nicely, sunny in the mornings and cloudy in the afternoons. My phone is dead, and apparently I brought the wrong charger, so unless I can leave it in the truck to charge, which may work, Kyle’s truck has an inverter, I won’t be able to take any pictures. All the boys started Rifle/Shotgun and Archery this morning and the younger boys started Wilderness Survival, Astronomy, and Insect Study. The older boys started a pretty cool ropes course. After dinner we went to the pool for a troop swim and had a good time. Pretty sure I will just post these at night when possible; we are plenty busy throughout the day making sure the boys get stuff done and there is a place where I can leave the lappy to charge so I can use it to manage the TOPO stuff and troop advancement at night back at camp. I do continue to be impressed by the staff, well the senior staff, they are doing their best, we did a knot tying training today and the poor dude was very gracious as “Pro-Scouter” proceeds to tell him how to do everything he was training us on. The Junior staff is trying very hard, the point is Boys teaching boys right? So we supplement in camp at night. There is now an official Geocaching Merit badge and several caches hidden around camp. BTW the cache my kids and I hid has been found twice so far.

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