Thursday, February 11, 2010

I got pranked on...

So the story is pretty embarrassing, I was on the phone trying to help an epically difficult and remedial user with her computer, besides waiting until the last minute to do this task, she was also insistent on just telling me the problem without listening to the instructions I was giving her. On my desk sits a wrench, and not just any wrench. This wrench is uses to adjust the feet of a large steel cabinet. I grabbed said wrench and pretended to bash my head with it repeatedly. Of course I over rotated on the last swing and, THUD! Popped myself just above my left eye, and split a good ¼ inch gash. The best part: there were two people sitting in my cubicle, “Did you just hit yourself Barry?” and “Your bleeding,” were some of the comments.

So due to grave concern for my personal safety, while I was away from my desk, working very hard for the better of the district, some felt the need to “enhance” my workspace with the latest in accident prevention technology. They made me a helmet, and padded the wrench, you can see thm in the photos. The cut does not look big at all, and really hurt my pride more than anything. What they did cheered me up, it was a great way to laugh off someting like that off, and nice to know people think about you.

Of course there is also video:

1 comment:

  1. It must be great to work with such awesome people. I would never get back at someone if they did this to me, because I would know that they 1. "Cheered me up" 2. Probably don't have anything that I could make such an obvious connection to and 3. Would make sure that a prank war of EPIC proportions would ensue. You've been warned (and appreciated).
