Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Why I mostly agree with "The Top 10 Geek Axioms" by Matt Blum of Geek Dad

Greedo shoots first

Geek heresy!
I came across an article this morning, and its pretty spot on. 
In true geek fashion, and according to his description of how our sub-species reacts to such stimuli I either wanted to defend or counter any of his points, so here it goes:

10. Being a Harry Potter fan is neither necessary nor sufficient to make you a geek, any more than seeing the movie Gettysburg is necessary or sufficient to make you a historian.
True; While Harry Potter is a fun series, it's ability to cut across many demographics, and the success of the movies, makes it more of a marketing juggernaut, and successful marketing experement. Not to mention that Rowling's actual lack of character development past Prisoner of Azkaban to create a follow through punch kills the true geekdom from the beginning. (Lucas understudy?) 

9. Batman is much cooler than Superman.
True?.. Maybe, I just read the 1st Justice League from the new DC reboot, and gleaning from that and interweb scuttle-butt it is possible that The Man of Steel may actually be ditching some of his Boy Scout-ish persona. That is refreshing really, I mean Batman is the ultimate Bad-ass, (parents dying in front of you and all) but maybe this new take on Superman will deal with the fact that actually being the most powerful being on earth could make you a little cocky..
8. Caffeine and bacon make everything better (provided you’re not among those who don’t consume one or both for religious or medical reasons).
True, I mean I've never been the guy with a perpetual Due attached to my hand, but........mmm bacon....
7. Lego makes the best toys in the world.
Right. Duh. But also.. man toys today SUCK! I bought my son a Transformer for his birthday, he wanted one, they look cool, and I was down, its not like we were fans of the movies any way. IT FELL APART IN OUR HANDS! In the very act of transforming, like the arm popped off the ball socket, and I should not have been surprised to find exactly 0 die cast parts in the whole mess. Sad.. oh well, where is that Lego bucket...
6. The MythBusters have the best jobs in the world, even if they do have to occasionally make things like the earwax candle, which was frankly one of the most disgusting things I’ve ever seen on TV.
There has to be a way to make it mandatory viewing in grade school, because really, Astronauts have the coolest job in the world, and these guys could so be the new inspiration needed to charge our imaginations, and get our "Science is Awesome! juices flowing. It is needed.
5. ThinkGeek is the most dangerous website on the internet — to your wallet, that is. (Disclaimer: GeekDad and ThinkGeek collaborate on a lot of things. But I’d have included this even if we didn’t.)
Yeah.. I mean, I'm not a clever t-shirt wearer, where I'm sure most of their revenue comes from, but most of that stuff ends up being some really great gifts, and inteweb-window-shopping/dreaming.
4. Video games are art. The fact that some of them are the rough equivalent of “Dogs Playing Poker” or a velvet painting of Elvis does not change that.
Myst, Portal/2, Final Fantasy, Homeworld, Minecraft, Bastion, Little Big Town, Warcraft, (not World of..) all masterpieces.  
3. Vampires do not sparkle.
Who cares? I have never been interested/cared/worried about anything to do with vampires, they aren't interesting or cool, unless they are Simon Belmont's antagonist or making a rouge-gallery cameo in a Batman story. They are kinda like zombies/ninja/pirates, in that they are as good at the person writing them, and even then.. Meh. "I love you, and I hate the moon." 
2. Growing old is mandatory; growing up is not.
1. Han shot first. (This one was a no-brainer.)
So... have you been been catching up on ST:TNG since it became available to stream on Netflix..
So, what’d I miss?
GI-JOE was the best cartoon ever
Must have taken apart at least 3 VCR's as a kid, even if you didn't get them back together.
Hackers and Real Genius are required viewing.
Image copyright Lucasfilm Ltd. Used under Fair Use.

1 comment:

  1. 10. For sure! So tired of Harry Potter fans saying "I'm such a geek". Um... no. No you're not.

    9. No doubt. Superman is all powers. No brain. ;) lol

    8. Caffeine and chocolate for me. ^.^

    7. I loved playing with blocks and legos as a kid but gotta admit I loved my little ponies, too. >.> I even had the big pink house! =D

    6. Totally!!! If I had a guaranteed job with them, I would suffer and get my masters degree.

    5. I've spent hundreds of dollars on that site for myself, Kevin, and even Kanaye. >.>

    4. Most of them anyway.

    3. I hate vampires. >.< They're scary.

    2. Yay!

    1. Duh. >.<

    Never saw GI-JOE. Sorry
    I would've been DEAD if I even touched the VCR without permission...
    Kevin still hasn't shown me either movie... he has a huge list to show me... such a slacker. ^.^
