Sunday, May 8, 2011

Hi, Mom

I come from good people, both my parents are hard working, dedicated, and loving people. As long as i can remember they have been involved in the community, active and vibrant. Obviously this is all mom's fault, and pretty sure dad wouldn't argue that.She is such a peacemaker, a lover of family and gatherings, and music, always music. And I have never meet a harder worker, always striving to make things better for those around her. One of my fondest memories is of her bulletin board calenders, changing like clock work every month, the days shaped like the corresponding months holiday/theme shape. My favorite were the October pumpkins. She raised five boys, each of them unique, each of them requiring something different, each of them getting that. Most say to me, "oh, your poor mother, having five boys!" I just smile and say, "Nah, five helpers around the house." Man she put us to work, never letting there be much idle time, unless it was together time. She cannot swear. I'ts hilarious actually, when she says "poop" its like the filthiest word she has ever uttered, and pains her to say. She is a caregiver, I watched her bathe her grandmother, haul us to the care center to visit her grandfather and always, always remember people on their birthdays. She taught us the gospel, and not the "preach it from the corner" gospel. The, quiet acts of service, the time spent making a lesson better with a homemade visual aid, and her unwavering testimony that she knows God lives and that we all are wort it. I love you Mom. Maybe we could record some stuff, like these guys did.

No More Questions! from StoryCorps on Vimeo.

1 comment:

  1. Hope you emailed her this post or had one of the bros show it to her. Your mom is pretty awesome... though I STILL say poor her for only having boys. =p
