Wednesday, March 9, 2011

It keeps you running..

So.. I never posted this to anywhere although most of the tools I was using would let me share my progress to FaceBook or Twitter. I guess I didn't want to jinx it, but I just completed the 9th week of the Couch-2-5K running program(this is the 10th week, and have kept on schedule so far). Yeah, I know! It has been pretty awesome. And I have to admit I needed some conditioning and reward systems.  There are various apps out there for the iPhone, but  have stuck with two: from Adidas, and a timer app from FeltTip. The first is GPS enabled, marking tracks and gauging pace and calories burned. The mapping feature played into my geekiness and getting stats and data helped motivate me. There were times the GPS lost signal, but I think that was more the iPhone 3G's fault. I did have to hit the treadmill a couple of times due to weather and stuff, so it kinda killed the accumulated miles, but getting an "achievement" like this:
Yeah, pretty motivating. So the next step, keep up the schedule, and look for a "local" 5k to actually run in. Know any?

Couple of routes I ran:

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome! I used to run, but have been pretty bad lately. I might try to jump back in here soon. Thanks for the good example. :-)
