Sunday, October 3, 2010

Priesthood Session

Elder Russell M Nelson
Why we have missionaries
Go into all the world
We teach by example
We need more worthy missionary
Increase your circle of friends

Elder Patrick Kearon
Flip flops vs shoes
Scorpion sting. I knew that flip flops were not shoes
We know the standards, we have been taught, rebellious and lazy behavior leads us to be stung.
Lay down your weapons of rebellion.
To survive in a mine field you must follow the tracks in front of you.
Not one of you has thrown away your chance.

Go and say I'm sorry

President Uctdorf
Difference between pride and being proud of
A sin of comparison
A personal Rameumpton
To be admired or envy
Looking for flaws and generalize them

President Eyering
We have been called to use divine power
Common theme: power of the priesthood to serve and change lives
Put our lives in order to qualify
Service will allow you to know the needs of those you serve

President Monson
The power of choice, some are trivial, make no difference. Others make all the difference

1. Right of choice = agency
2. Responsibility of choice = no middle ground
3. Result of choice = salvation

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