Sunday, July 25, 2010


So while in Utah last week and a little this weekend  in Ramah,we did been doing some major geo-caching, so much it seems that I'm making the boys tired of it. Not Tianna, she loves it. She has been up for any cache we have gone to find. 
So on this last trip we fond no less than 9 track-able items, some travel bugs and some Geocoins. One of the coolest (and first) we found was the "The Amazing (Duck) Race - Daddy Duck". Turns out this little duck is racing other ducks, Travel Bugs have a specific mission..., well you can click the link, but the kids found it to be fascinating. The Maps of each travel bug are the most compelling. Well I lie, the Google Earth file (map View in Google Earth) that you can open make Travel Bugs both fun and educational without making it known its educational. This weekend we were down in Ramah and it RAINED! Hard Core. After is stopped the kids and I went to find a cache that was close, a bonus find was an awesome frog pond, a loud frog pond. Click the small pic for video and audio!

From Geocaching

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