Sunday, July 25, 2010


So while in Utah last week and a little this weekend  in Ramah,we did been doing some major geo-caching, so much it seems that I'm making the boys tired of it. Not Tianna, she loves it. She has been up for any cache we have gone to find. 
So on this last trip we fond no less than 9 track-able items, some travel bugs and some Geocoins. One of the coolest (and first) we found was the "The Amazing (Duck) Race - Daddy Duck". Turns out this little duck is racing other ducks, Travel Bugs have a specific mission..., well you can click the link, but the kids found it to be fascinating. The Maps of each travel bug are the most compelling. Well I lie, the Google Earth file (map View in Google Earth) that you can open make Travel Bugs both fun and educational without making it known its educational. This weekend we were down in Ramah and it RAINED! Hard Core. After is stopped the kids and I went to find a cache that was close, a bonus find was an awesome frog pond, a loud frog pond. Click the small pic for video and audio!

From Geocaching

Thursday, July 22, 2010


Oh local Gallup business owner, don't you know thats crazy

supposed to be for a optometrist..

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Cole just flew by with his X-Wing, "R2-D2, we just got hit with a proton torpoedo, thats Bull Shit!" I said "Cole! There were no proton torpoedos in Star Wars!" Then I asked where he heard that word... yeah from me.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Family reunion auctions:
Yes I'm greatful for the improved kitchen, but that 4"x4" crossstitch scarecrow is not worth $50, besides scarecrows are just farm clowns
Party in the usa on the radio

Friday, July 16, 2010


Leave it to work to gt me to find internet. With that small emergency taken care of:

Magnetic Fields Captured!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Small town of Hatch, UT. Found several small caches here and some along the way. Why can't I send pics to blogger with my phone?

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Couldn't miss this

The rest of camp...

12:09 am, Tuesday/Wednesday
Today flew by, it was nice. The guys started shooting at the shooting sports and we got to do leader swim training. It was more sunny today but not terribly hot. The afternoon was spent carving a golf ball, yeah a golf ball. We have been challenged to the  Chimyo Classic Putt-PuttGolf Tournament, all balls and clubs must be made from materials found here at camp. My putter is quite nice if I do say so my self, found the perfect smooth-faced piece of sort-of-rectangular granite, lashed to a pine branch shaped and fitted just right. The dilemma of the ball was a hard one, wasn’t sure what to use, rope, clay, wood, and without a good knife I finally decided to raid the Woodcarving calss and use their rasp and formed a fairly decent “ball.”  
The staff challenged the adult leaders to a trap shoot, to which they were very confident at their chances of winning. Even though I only got 4 out of 6 of my shots, I think we surprised them my beating them handily. Even if they gave their camp director a repeating 12 round magazine and several shots at each clay. It was just fun to watch her shoot.

The real highlight thought was the astronomy observation we just got back from. Not a cloud in the sky, and up here where there is no light-polution the boys could identify several constellations. What I would have given to have Google Night Sky with me. There are so many tools avaiblre to us now that can help us ineract with the natural world, you don’t have to be the uber-nerd who has obscure knowledge that you have to share to impress, now everyone coud have it at their fingertips, and even a novice stargazer could get a lot out of one observation. We waited for the moon to rise so we could look at it through a professional telescope, which was rad. The saying “feeling small” does not capture it. Saw many a satellite.

During the meeting...

Picnik's editor now built into Picasa Web Albums

Kyle Vrieze (bermudafreze) displayed this deadly beauty of a SHIP at Brickworld. Unlike other ships, itcarries combat cargo. Watch out ground forces, the last thing you might see is its shadow above your head.

Sunday, July 11, 2010