Sunday, May 9, 2010

Old Testament Lesson 17 Beware Lest thou forget

Many cultures worship objects
Iseralites fell into 2 categories
1-representations of Jehova, and 2-gods of surrounding nations
Reminders that point to Christ
What are our motives behind getting what we want?
It is not evil to buy "things," but are you within your means?

as seen in scarifice
as was the entire law of Moses
Paintings, Statues, etc. things that remind us
but are not permenant, and do not destroy our faith when they
are destroyed.

Moses and his people are in Mt. Nebo

15. Mount Nebo Moses viewed the promised land (Deut. 34:1-4). Moses delivered his last three sermons (Deut. 1-32).

Deut 6:1-9 If we strive to to what awe are told, and understand that our parents only teach us because they care
Frontletts: CTR ring?
Wealth is not the sin, but the way we use it for good or our own pleasure.

Ezra Taft Benson: Finally, men captained by Christ will be consumed in Christ. To paraphrase President Harold B. Lee, they set fire in others because they are on fire. (Stand Ye in Holy Places, Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co., 1974, p. 192.)

Their will is swallowed up in His will. (See John 5:30.)

They do always those things that please the Lord. (See John 8:29.)

Not only would they die for the Lord, but more important they want to live for Him.

Enter their homes, and the pictures on their walls, the books on their shelves, the music in the air, their words and acts reveal them as Christians.

Brigham Young: The Man and His Work [1936], p. 128, Preston Nibley
The worst fear I have about this people is that they will get rich in this country, forget God and his people, wax fat, and kick themselves out of this Church and go to hell. This people will stand mobbing, robbing, poverty, and all manner of persecution and be true. But my greatest fear for them is that they cannot stand wealth; and yet they have to be tried with riches, for they will become the richest people on this earth.

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