Monday, February 21, 2011

Um, got to meet some reality-web-show-celebrities..Rewebrities?

So since this Super Bowl commercial aired I picked a team and have been hooked on the Ford Focus Rally. Not only cool for the chance to win a car, but because of the way they are delivering content and allowing "followers" to interact with the teams. Besides some trivia questions, and some puzzle challenges that actually boost your teams chances at head-starts, the interactivity  includes a map that updates team locations, a live-feed video from the cab of their car, and a daily leader board. Best part, the "episodes" are aired on the rally site, or Hulu.(The Amazing Race should take a page form this book)
Its been fun to follow a team, listen to their stories about the challenges that air later and generally feel like you are contributing. I happen to be with #teamGREY, who consists of John Jung and Carolyn Bee. They are both from Seattle and are actually doing very well, 1st place at time of posting. In fact, you guys should join this team, they have the fewest followers, but have had been in 1st the last few legs. So, imagine my fan boy, excitement when they announced that they would be going through New Mexico, to stop in White Sands and Santa Fe. Then double that when I heard on Sunday afternoon that they were headed down I-40, not to pass through Gallup.. but to stay the night! Yep, you bet I hit them up, asked if I could swing by and say hi...and they were like .. sure, come on by! Um, yeah, I was sorta excited, wanna say thanks to John and Carolyn again. Check out the full album, including the cars.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I need to catch up... is revamping their mapping system, and its very exciting. There are lots search filters and tools, plus the ability to have unlimited caches displayed at any zoom level is awesome. Its interesting to see the patterns along the highways and the clusters in urban areas. Looks like I'm behind on New Mexico. I can imaging using this on a tablet...

Friday, February 11, 2011

Happy Friday!

A good thing never goes away. I just came across the blog of Alex Deligiannis, who it seems works for Nickelodeon studios, and is going to be working on the next installment of TMNT, I had no idea and did some research to confirm. Pretty excited. Love his take on Krang. Go Ninja! Go Ninja! Go!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

SPECIAL REPORT TUESDAY: Microsoft's Bing Uses Google Search ?!?!

 Woah, Woah, WOAH!, several juicy links to follow in that article, but here Googels latest response shows some pretty convincing evidence as to Bing's infraction. Cmon' Bing, really? Guess it takes more than pretty pictures on your site to make the grade..
Edit edit: Man I love the thought of Google Engineers figuring this out, devising the a great way to capture it, then demonstrating those results. Scientific Method Baby!