Sunday, February 21, 2010

The Dude's Guide to Chatting

It's official, LOL is for girls, thats right, 14 year old-Twilight Reading-Slumber Party Throwing girls.
Dudes need chat lingo, we don't LOL or have BFF's. If we must text(it is unavoidable) then we need our own testosterone laden lexicon of lingo!
My first submission:
LAF= Laugh at Fail
CSL= Can't stop laughing
GOL= Guffaw out Loud, when something funny takes you by surprise
MOL= Muttley out Loud, when your scheming or plotting
NOL= Nelson out Loud (not ha ha), when your making fun of someone
OS!= Oh Sh..oot?
PFFT= spitting beverage of choice, possibly through the nose(harder to find a video than I thought)
CKII= Can't Keep It In, or can't hold a straight face
B= Bro, instead of BFF

It's a start

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